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How Bout Them Planes?!

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Old 08-10-2006, 07:29 PM
Chimera02EX's Avatar
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Default RE: How Bout Them Planes?!

I personally don't care what Isreal has done in the past, they are attempting to rid the world of a terrorist organization, it's a war, citizens die. As for these whole "war crimes" it's a f*cking war, there is nothing civil about war so why do we try and force civility(not sure that's a word but I'm using it anyway) into it. Now I'm not saying ok well just go in and kill everyone, but when the enemy hides behind the innocent, some innocent are going to die.

Hell Iraq is a democracy and look how well that country is working.
How long did it take us to settle our government after we revolted against the British, a lot longer than a year; you can't expect it to be perfect overnight. Especially since Iraq housed so many terrorists and radicals.

And why did we choose to be on Israels side? Because they are Christian's and this country was founded on Christianity beleifs. Ok so here is a part of the debate I feel strongly about. We as a nation that is supposed to have church and state seperate should not let this be a deciding factor. With that issue put to rest we have no other reason to side with Israel theoreticly.
I whole heartedly agree that church and religion plays far too much of a role in our government, myself being a person of no organized religion feels that "God" does not belong anywhere in politics, or our court rooms. Now supposing that religion didn't play the factor that it does, Isreal is still fighting a terrorist organization, we are still at war with terrorists organizations, why shouldn't we give them support?

Now let us fast foward, Iraq did this to Kawait and we defend Kawait or how ever you spell it. So why is it we can enforce something like this(in Kawait, Texas, hell Pearl harbor when the Empire hit in WWII) but yet we can be on the other side when this is concerned.
2 simple words... The Holocaust. Its our way of empathizing with them, trying to make up for what **** Germany did. That is only my opinion though.

All of this would go away if we moved the Jews out of the Middle East. But then there would be radical jewish groups instead of islam.
Old 08-10-2006, 07:42 PM
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Ok here is what I say.

The Problem:

Terrorist groups, killing civilians and all that stuff.

The answer:

The thing that people are not taking into account is that for you to get a true answer for the problem to really solve it you need to go back and figure out what made the terrorist what they are(opposed to being labled a military and protecting a country) and take a look at why say Israel is labled as they are(as a fuctional, legal military protecting land that was not theirs in the first place).

This "war" is older than many realize. These are the people that will end the world in the "name of god" or in the "name of alaa". And we are stuck winning people battles for them, spending our money, letting our people die in cold blood for a reason we have no footing in. We are fighting a war we should not be involved in. I am not saying Bush caused the war, i am saying the war started along time ago and we should have never been involved in it. We are though and the only way to stop these people from looking at America the way they do we need pull out and leave it alone period the end. There is no winning over there, never will be.
Old 08-10-2006, 07:53 PM
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We live in a civilized war. If you don't think there is a such thing as war crimes, ask Slovadan Malosavich (yea i know he is dead but jus pretend) i'm sure he will tell you different. Israel is SUPPOSE to be the civilized country, the victim. In actuality, Israel just makes it look like they are the innocent victim when in fact they have blood on thier hands, very dirty blood at that. I do not understand how you can say there is no such thing as war crimes. Genocide is a war crime, under your logic there are a bunch of ***** that should have never been imprisoned after WWII. The fact of the matter is that Jewish blood is more valuable to us then Muslim blood. How do i know this? I am Muslim. That is why Americans are absolutly appaled when a palenstian kills an Israel. When an Israeli kills a Palestinian its alright, just "collataral damage".
Old 08-10-2006, 08:06 PM
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WHOA WHOA! "Hell Iraq is a democracy and look how well that country is working" ARE YOU NUTS?! Have you completely forgot about Saddams human shredding machines, killing fields, sarin gas (WHICH WE FOUND)... Just the fact that the word Democracy exists now in the Arabic language is a sign of success. The fact that there are Iraqis forming a government as we speak is a sign of SUCCESS!! Liberals, the people for "human rights"... the hypocricy is amazing.

The jews have been doing nothing but appeasing the arabs since they handed land over 60 years ago... they gave them land to create PEACE and the terrorists turn around and arm it to the teeth. The only thing the word "cease-fire" means to hezbollah is "re-load". Israel sees the threat of Islamic terrorism and they have every right to destroy it by any means necessary. And please, spare the Lebannon is so innocent comments... that is a pile. If Lebanon was against terrorism, why have they not publicaly asked for assistance? BECAUSE THEY GET IT FROM IRAN AND SYRIA. Israel uses sophisticated weapons to limit casualties and they are war criminals while Hezbollah lobs missiles in any direction and they are freedom fighters? Come on!
Old 08-10-2006, 08:35 PM
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Sorry to break the news to you all, but muslims use the word "jihad" as an excuse to put god's name on a war they started. All you see and hear is good ol muslims screaming for Israel to become a graveyard. Agent, when a muslim terrorist straps a bomb to himself he will blow it up no matter where he is. Where is the "religion of peace"? Why havent the muslims that claim to be Americans stood up against the ones that make you look bad? Muslim terrorists are COWARDS that hide behind old women and tape bombs to children. Why dont you see any of the militant islam leaders blowing themselves up? It is because they trick fools like you into doing it for them. And they got another thing coming to them if they think they're getting 72 virgins for turning themselves into bombs.
Old 08-10-2006, 08:50 PM
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You wanna talk about Saddam Hussain? The UNITED STATES gave Saddam that sarin nerve gass. The UNITED STATES stood by while Saddam used it to kill his people. The UNITED STATES did nothing. In fact the UNITED STATES supported the ****tes when they wanted to over throw Saddam. When it was time to do something, the UNITED STATES stood back and watched the ****tes get slaughtered. I know alot muslims, prolly a couple hundred. I have yet to meet one that supports terrorism. If I was too meet one such muslim you better believe i would set them straight. Your image of Islam is horribly distorted by watching way too much Fox news. The problem with this country is you. You give this country a bad name around the world. You are the reason muslims around the world think that the United States is an intolerant country.
Old 08-10-2006, 08:50 PM
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Default RE: How Bout Them Planes?!

Interesting tidbit:

Since 1960, more Americans have died because they didn't know they were allergic to peanuts than have been killed by international terrorism.
Old 08-11-2006, 02:45 AM
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Default RE: How Bout Them Planes?!

Okay I am thinking of limiting this whole post to people with college educations... please tell us your education level.... Some high school kid that hears stuff from their parents should read but not speak until they are ready to be schooled.
i am a damn ****ing senior in high school now, dont say this should be a topic for ppl with college educations, you obviously dont know too much, have you been there NO, my best friend was over there, do you even know what their bible(the koran) says, it says to HATE US AND KILL US CAUSE WE ARE INFINTILES... Y dont you go to your local library, and pick up a copy of the koran, and read the damn thing, then come back and voice another opinion so me(a highschooler can shut it down) you started a thread on this, and you dont know all the damn facts...NOBODY IS WINNING THIS WAR...the previous wars have nothunig to do with this one, so, to end this i will say dont try to make a thread for just ppl in college, and dont make a thread on a bias opinion...

to all the mods/admins, i am sorry if i got out of line at all...
Old 08-11-2006, 02:57 AM
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politics can kiss my ****.........bush can suck my **** but thats my opinion. i just have to live with it.
Old 08-11-2006, 03:30 AM
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