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How Bout Them Planes?!

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Old 08-10-2006, 04:39 PM
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Default RE: How Bout Them Planes?!

Bah politics is one thing, but don't turn this into a religious debate.
Old 08-10-2006, 05:06 PM
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<-----does not participate in war, religion, or politic debates.
+1... i didn't even bother to read this thread, after the first 5 posts

not doubt, i am with you two.


Last edited by BrianT; 04-28-2011 at 09:59 AM.
Old 08-10-2006, 05:12 PM
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Default RE: How Bout Them Planes?!

Whatever the debate, I'm doing my part (hahaha...And havin' fun doin' it!!!)..........:

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Old 08-10-2006, 05:25 PM
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Default RE: How Bout Them Planes?!

I don't know why you guys don't participate in political debate/discussions. Yea its messy and tempers get flared sometimes but its a discussion that HAS to occur. There is now way that you can hope to fix any of the problems in society/the government without discussing them. All you have to remember is to not let it get to you. I can debate with some i don't agree with all day and still not get pissed at him/her.
Old 08-10-2006, 05:46 PM
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Default RE: How Bout Them Planes?!


I think that it is a setup by the British and American government to make it look like we are winning a made up war.
That's what I think also. I can't beleive this stuff that goes on in the world. Lebanon vs. Israel, terrorist attacks... what is this world coming to?????

Old 08-10-2006, 06:03 PM
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Default RE: How Bout Them Planes?!

To Marty: The reason muslims hate us is not because we support them(Isreal); well it is to an extent, but think back to pre-1945 who occupied the land that is now Isreal; that is holy land to both muslims and jews. The muslims hate us because we took away their holy land and gave it to the jews.

To the rest:
I do not agree that the Middle East will always be a mess, you need to remember radical muslims make up a minute percent of all muslims and most muslims want to be rid of radical groups like Al-Queda, etc. I do believe it will take a very long time to bring peace to the area. And yes we did put Bin Laden in power and trained Al Queda, bc we were fighting Communism at the time. We also put Saddam in power so we could get more oil at better prices. We make mistakes, we always will, it's human nature and can't be helped, most times it's a choice between two evils.

Far as our government turning a blind eye or supporting Isreal, in this instance I agree with what Isreal is doing, we are at war with terror, they are doing part of our job for us. I support them all the way. I also believe that creating democracy in the middle east will help to rid the world of the pests that are radical islamic groups. Now I do want to make a mention that I do NOT believe that democracy is the best government, but it is a damn good one.

Now for the North Korea issue, we only have so many resources and China and Japan are handling the situation well and there is no need right now for the US to step in and take over. Granted we will have to resolve that issue in the near future, but will it require military force, probably. I do not believe that we will do anything with North Korea unless they fire at us. And hopefully an agreement could be made.
Old 08-10-2006, 06:05 PM
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I am with Agent on that one, what scares me is that there are people that dont care about anything! All americans should be talking about subjects that affect them. A democracy cannot exist when its members do nothing but spectate. Talking about these things with Marty, Agent and Phoenix (who definetly get props for being outspoken) will not really ever turn out to be anyhting more than a hondacivicforum post. But so far there have been a ton of people reading this whole thread I started and that is what is important. I am still waiting to hear a solution from you guys on how this war should be handled from now on...
Old 08-10-2006, 06:55 PM
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To Marty: The reason muslims hate us is not because we support them(Isreal); well it is to an extent, but think back to pre-1945 who occupied the land that is now Isreal; that is holy land to both muslims and jews. The muslims hate us because we took away their holy land and gave it to the jews.
And why did we choose to be on Israels side? Because they are Christian's and this country was founded on Christianity beleifs. Ok so here is a part of the debate I feel strongly about. We as a nation that is supposed to have church and state seperate should not let this be a deciding factor. With that issue put to rest we have no other reason to side with Israel theoreticly. This is a issue between them. It is unfair for us to side with anyone. Example. What would happen if Mexico said that the southern half of Texas was hollowed ground to them and that they demanded it back. We would not(and did not) let them have it back. Same way over there. The land that Israel is on in 1944 belonged to Arabs. People that are not Arab came in and said "Hey this is nolonger your land, you have no right to it". Now let us fast foward, Iraq did this to Kawait and we defend Kawait or how ever you spell it. So why is it we can enforce something like this(in Kawait, Texas, hell Pearl harbor when the Empire hit in WWII) but yet we can be on the other side when this is concerned. We didn't then and dont now have any right to stick our nose in that crap but we do.

I am still waiting to hear a solution from you guys on how this war should be handled from now on...

Renounce any dealing with in nations that promote terrorism at the U.S. and stop buying/selling stuff to them. If you dont mess with us we will help your economy by entering into trade with you, if you do mess with us we will bomb your *** and LEAVE not stay there for goddamn 10 years. My money, your money is going to this crap and I do not agree with it. Put the tax money back into our country, back into our schools, back into our health system. help the people here before you help the people elsewhere.
Old 08-10-2006, 06:56 PM
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And IMHO Agent is 100% correct about what he has said. This is stuff that affects us in major ways, it is very important for debate.
Old 08-10-2006, 07:02 PM
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Far as our government turning a blind eye or supporting Isreal, in this instance I agree with what Isreal is doing, we are at war with terror, they are doing part of our job for us. I support them all the way. I also believe that creating democracy in the middle east will help to rid the world of the pests that are radical islamic groups. Now I do want to make a mention that I do NOT believe that democracy is the best government, but it is a damn good one.
Are you going to let Israel get away with murder b/c they are the only democracy in the middle east? Hell Iraq is a democracy and look how well that country is working. If you only knew what israel has done to the palestinians you would not have an unconditional support for Israel. I know what Israel has done b/c a couple years ago i did extensive research on the topic. Ariel Sharon is a war criminal, he should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. What the Palestinian terrorists do is terrible, but what Israel does is worse b/c Israel has enough influence to cover up the **** they do.


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