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How Bout Them Planes?!

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Old 08-10-2006, 12:27 PM
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Default RE: How Bout Them Planes?!

And that post wouldnt have existed if your great great grandparents wouldn't have mated... dont bring up the afghan war, you're talking about the lesser of the 2 evils. Tell me, who was the president at the time and what was his political party? See, going back in time will take you to good ol Jimmy Carter who initated sanctions with Afghanistan and allowed the training of Bin Laden.... WHAT?! Bin Laden was around back then?!?! Whoa, it is crazy, huh? THE DEMOCRATS CREATED HIM, FYI. Pulling up the past with that "if this wouldnt have happened this wouldnt be going on now"... okay time travellers, lets come back to August 10, 2006 where a terror plot was stopped. No doubt the US has done some crazy stupid things, but why cant we fix them NOW?!
Old 08-10-2006, 12:35 PM
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Okay I am thinking of limiting this whole post to people with college educations... please tell us your education level.... Some high school kid that hears stuff from their parents should read but not speak until they are ready to be schooled. I recieved my Bachelor degree from Brigham Young University in Public Relations with a minor in International Business as well as minoring in Japanese. I plan on getting my MBA in International Business from BYU by the Spring of 08. I have been to almost every single country you hear about in the news and I did not recieve my formal education from American schools... (THANK HEAVENS I DIDNT... I just found out a couple days ago that some schools in the east have Cops patrolling the hallways!)
Old 08-10-2006, 12:47 PM
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See, I knew someone would say the ridiculous "there could be other ways to do it"... Have you watched the news? What makes you think that terrorists want to talk? What did we do to have terrorists hijack planes and crash them into the pentagon, into a field and into the two towers in New York? THEY HATE US. It wasnt magically started when Bush came into power 6 years ago! They attacked the towers in 92 with Clinton and HE WANTED TO TALK... and look what that turned into in 01. I have cousins fighting in Iraq that, when they come back every year or so, are blown away to hear that on the news that we are losing! They fight everyday by cleaning up IEDs and the three of them have never felt like they were anything less than spanking them! It is going to take a long time.. IT IS A FREAKING WAR! in 5 years there have been 2500 deaths... does anyone know how many deaths there were in just the pacific theatre of WWII? This is a whole new type of war that we are WINNING. Why cant we give Iraq and Afghanistan democracy? Why should we allow terrorist muslim nations to exist? They hate you, bateater, and that is factual. Would you fly over there and attept to sit town and chit chat with Bin Laden to negotiate a cease fire? Hell, talk to Mr. Ahmadinejad (Iran's leader) and tell him to chill out. We are done with talking, guys. They need to be destroyed because I want my kids safe and my grandkids and their grandkids safe. Talking... what a joke. And to have this be an "Oil war"... WHO THE F IS MAKING THE OIL?! WHAT?! ARE WE GOING TO AIR-LIFT THE WHOLE COUNTRY TO AMERICA AND STEAL THEIR OIL!!?? Our next president (who WILL be a republican) will finally pass a law to completely cut us off from foreign oil... has anyone heard of Brazil? They pay NO ONE for fuel!! Ethanol and corn derived fuel is the future.. sadly, it means by by to current combustion engines but HELLO TO 49 CENTS A GALLON!!! Can you imagine only paying 5 bucks to fill your car with a fuel THAT GROWS BACK!!! America wants to be rid of oil. Only a republican president can protect the country while looking for the future, not for the moment.. gay marraige, abortions... WHO CARES RIGHT NOW!!! TERRORISTS HATE GAYS! THEY HATE AMERICAN BABIES!!!! THEY DO NOT CARE TO EVEN KILL THEIR OWN!

For one thing could you please type in a manner that can be understood. That is one of the biggest run-on paragraphs I have ever seen.

For another thing I think you have been watching Fox News a lil to much. 2500+ lives have been taken and while it is nothing compared to what happened in the past great wars those were different, there were actually full fledged army's coming here and trying to invade. 2500 lives taken, young peoples lives, people with wives, kids, brothers, sisters, moms, dad's, etc, etc. And for what? No matter how long we stay in Iraq, a month maybe 2 after we leave the "democracy" we setup will fall and it will be the same as it was before if not worse.

You know why Muslims hate us? Because of our un-bias support of Israel. It matters not if Israel is right or wrong in what they do we either help them or turn a blind eye to what ever it is they are doing wrong. It's like the whole mess going on over there now, Isreal has killed 100's apon 100's of civilians in the name of 2 people of their own. Now that may seem all good and fair but they are doing nothing different than a terrorist group would and guess what we are saying and doing nothing about it. That is why they hate us, because we do that with a nation that is not muslim but yet when a arab country does something like that we declare war on them.

North Korea launched missles at us, at least tested them and are so close to having the ability to hit as far as Nashville TN with one and guess what we do to them? Not a ****ing thing. Look I am not defending terrorist or any of that crap but for a person to really form a un bias opinion on the matter you need to look at it from both sides.

BTW the sooner you guys stop blaming it on republicans or democrats the better off you will be. it is our governments fault. Democratic or Republican.
Old 08-10-2006, 12:49 PM
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Go on w your republican craps because I dont care. Even though there're 2 parties but will be all the same and American policies will never change. Problems always get fixed but w what? money from tax payers for the war and blood from soldiers? How about try not make problems at all? Oh anf FYI, Im college educated.
Old 08-10-2006, 12:57 PM
uk civhead's Avatar
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I have to say I agreed with everything Marty just said. It really is most refreshing to read an un-bias opinion on this particular subject from an American.
And believe me I know what im talking about. I have seen your news channels and read your news papers.
Old 08-10-2006, 01:10 PM
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The American media is a joke, allways left wing or right wing to the max. What ever happened to reporting the news and leaving you own damn opinions out of it. I am to a point that I dont watch any of it because none of it is actual news. It is all opinion based now and I have no room inmy life to listen to opinions from people that are bias in regaurds to a certain party.
Old 08-10-2006, 01:11 PM
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ABSOLUTE GENIUS idea to wire tap,
If stripping the civil liberties of law abiding Americans is a genius idea then yes Bush is a genius. Wiring tapping is the most unamerican thing that Bush could every do. The founding fathers gave thier lives so that we could have civil liberties and YOU are saying that its ok take these civil liberties away. You are insulting the sacrafices that the founding fathers made by making such a statement. Benjamin Franklin once said "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. "
Old 08-10-2006, 01:33 PM
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Default RE: How Bout Them Planes?!

"How about try not make problems at all?" Look at this everyone and then remember who was piloting the planes and what country it was? I have NEVER heard of some americans stealing a herd of donkeys and running them into a shiite shopping center! That's great you're college educated! Get your degree. Of course it takes sacrifice to make a change! WWII in japan would not have ended unless we dropped the atomic bombs on them. IT WOULD NOT HAVE ENDED! To have 2500 soldiers give their lives when there could be thousands and thousands of civilians dead in exchange. A soldier is not invincible. And our taxes go to funding the war...well yeah, so whats your point? When we fill up our cars we pay for terrorist bombs to kill our soldiers... TO END THE WAR WE NEED TO STARVE THEM AND KILL THEM... Starve them from oil money with corn fuel and ethanol... if we do this, mr college educated, THEY WILL HAVE NOTHING TO SHOOT US WITH! We are their biggest money source and if we continue to fight while weening from oil they will only be able to **** on rocks and throw them from bicycles. "There can be other ways" "How about try not make problems at all?" "republican craps"... well so far my republican craps is the only thing that has offered a solution. So far we've heard a couple time travelers (one of which is college educated, by the way) BUT THEY DONT OFFER A SOLUTION! What good is talking about what we should have done 30 years ago? Tell us what YOU think should happen in the future?... And Marty, do you really know why have unbiased support of Israel? BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC NATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST! We HAVE to support them! Marty you crack me up with your false sense of security... THEY HAVE ALREADY INVADED OUR COUNTRY! They are getting through security checkpoints because they are ALLOWED to pass by other insiders! Remmy seems to understand that something is going on when 11 egyptians disappear in a no-where state! Even two weeks ago Muslims shot down some Jews in Seattle... does that raise any red flags to you guys? Terrorism is not a conventional war and they are not stupid! The days of armies charging eachother is over. It is grueling work to go through a city and kill terrorists. So go on and find a run-on sentence, I personally dont see anything I typed to nullify what I have said. You all can read and understand what I am typing and that is not even the topic of conversation, it is about terrorism, guys.
Old 08-10-2006, 01:44 PM
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Default RE: How Bout Them Planes?!

Can at least ONE democrat share an idea on how to get out of Iraq while stopping terrorism worldwide? I believe Marty is completely right with the news being extreme both ways. The only thing I go different is that the left wing media only criticizes and doesnt seem to produce a solution but the right wing media (foxnews) does. The previous world wars were completely different because there wasnt media coverage like there is today. That is a major problem because there are people so blinded by their Bush hatred that they will doctor photos, create news and stage conflicts to sway thoughts...
Old 08-10-2006, 01:46 PM
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Israel is the reason that the whole Arab world hates us. Our unwavering and unconditional support of Israel is getting us into some very hairy ****. Israel is the only democratic state in the middle east but thier state sponsored terrorism is absolutly appalling. If you took a 2 second break from Fox news and read something unbaised you would know that.

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