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Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

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Old 04-25-2006, 06:19 PM
akskimaster's Avatar
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

you make comments about oil know that bush is in the oil industry, right?
as i have said in other threads all of his acconts are frozen he can neither gain nor lose money in the stock market. and he sold all of his oil fields he owned in texas a long as time ago.
Old 04-25-2006, 06:38 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

well bush can still get paid under the table on fox news bush is going to try and do something about high gas prices well see but don't hold your breath and like fiirkan said we could be in his shoes paying that much for milk and gas i think they should take taxes off gas and make the big oil companys pay for it right now they are getting tax breaks and why all the oil companys have been making record profits they should be taxed out there a$$e$
Old 04-25-2006, 06:41 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

Bush is owned by big oil companys----i blame the brokers on wall street---their the idiots buying & selling it[:@]

Old 04-25-2006, 06:49 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

basically my point in the last point was that we are still paying more for milk, and no one is complaining about that, and i know the reason for it is cause people aren't buying 50liters of milk in one go... but i just thought i would throw that in there for a comparisson. and in canada taxes make up about 70% of the cost of gas... it is pure bull****
Old 04-25-2006, 06:54 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

my friend told me, almost a year ago, that japan was paying MORE for a liter than what we are paying for a gallon. so at best they might have payed close to $10 just for 1 gallon...but ya $3+ a gallon for a youngin' such as myself isnt fun, thats about half of what i get paid an hour![:@]
Old 04-25-2006, 07:49 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

ORIGINAL: 94civicus

To bad Bush has nothing to do with gas prices. Are we suddenly a member of OPEC? All you liberal jackasses want to do something about gas prices look at Iran f*^ing around and our Oil company executives getting 400 million dollar retirements, not Bush. Also if you really want to look at it go back 10 years when Clinton and his democrat cronies denied opening ANWR. I'm from AK and most people up here wanted it. They say once ANWR is approved it will take 10 years to develop--well that would be right about now wouldn't it. The largest untapped oil reserve in America would be operational and we wouldn't be paying these damn high gas prices. So go ahead and blame it on Bush, its all his fault as usual--Dave
Ummm.....lets see....welcome to the forum but please do not come onto here calling every liberal jackasses. you are jus making an *** out of your own damn self. i also bet if you took a poll i think that almost 3/4 of the regularly active members are conservatives. that was i guess your sixth or seventh post. how long have you been a member on this website. i have been here for almost 3 months. i have learned what kind of ppl are on here. and you are far from being right about the jackasses. the moderators on this forum care about what is going on. they seem to have deep family and moral values. that doesnt seem to ring the jackass bell. do u think it does? anyone? anyone? i sure as hell don't. not to offend you or anything.
oh and ten years ago we did not have a gas shortage. i also remember that gas prices were about 1 dollar a gallon across america. so there was absolutely no reason to drill in ANWR. and ppl were still bitching then. well those who were bitching then are bitching even more now. and guess how much it helps. it does nothing.
agin i don't mean to offend anyone. or you.

oh and again. Welcome to the Forum! and i hope you enjoy your stay!

Edit: oh and don't blame bush either. he can only do so much! oh yeah and the 400 million dollar retirement package to the exxon execs. i agree that was bull****
Sorry about the name calling. Yes I am new here. I'm selling my supercharged tacoma to get a small civic to save some money on gas. I've been on here a short while and I have seen so many Bush bashing people thats why I said what I did. I'm in the military and don't agree with Bush on much, but to bash him without knowing the facts is stupid. 80% of the people on this thread have blamed it all on him and looking at other threads hes blamed for everything else on this earth. We'll we all elected him, congress, and everyone else to office so why are we bitching and not doing what we can to support people. My 2 cents--Dave
Old 04-25-2006, 07:59 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

we should get together and do something about this i hope bush will do something for us tax payers i mean i voted for him to make the usa a better place why do i feel ripped off and to scroder i didn't know you were in the military thanks for protecting the usa
Old 04-25-2006, 08:25 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

IMO the first election was rigged, with all those recounts in Florida, and bush haveing a relative running in florida... coincidence that he won... i think not
Old 04-25-2006, 10:30 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

did someone call for a liberal jackass!?


bush has called for an investigation into gas profit gouging once again, just like he did after hurricane katrina, but guess what nothing came of it, and everything was back to business in the oil industry and gas prices have spiked again.

well bush has called for another "probe" into gas profits, since companies like Exxon had a record year in profits, but what does bush flatly refuse to do?: Tax profits of oil companies to help generate revenue to fund new technology research for more fuel efficient technology - even though congress has previously called for it.

can't touch those profits you know...

btw, we all know bush is a failed oil mogul and dick (lol) cheney is a corporate ***** monger, but did you know this???

like i said: you don't go to war to steal oil. you go to spike it...

Old 04-25-2006, 10:33 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices


we should get together and do something about this i hope bush will do something for us tax payers i mean i voted for him to make the usa a better place why do i feel ripped off and to scroder i didn't know you were in the military thanks for protecting the usa
scroder only gets one vote. just like everybody else in america.

i know tons of people in the military that hate bush (family members included) because of his assclown ways. he's the "leader in chief" and he sets the economic policy of america. and he's chosen to sell his administration's soul to big business.

as for feeling being ripped off. you get what you pay, er, vote for...


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