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Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

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Old 04-30-2006, 11:09 AM
Kedawei's Avatar
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices


See the thing about it is we are no the ones that are respobsable for the Mexican governments short falls regaurdless of what we did to them over 100 years ago. Ya know this country has had to overcome it's fair share

Revolutionary War
Civil War
Desert Storm

and now it is soon to over come Iran all while having North Korea breathing down our necks.

This is not a matter for us to fix. Last time I checked entering a country through the back door w/o the correct paperwork is illegal plain and simple. They get caught they get deported simple as that, you break the law again and enter this country w/o the correct paperwork and you get a felony. Nothing wrong with that sorry. In a time when we need to protect our borders more so than any other time people have no way to justify anyone entering this country un-detected.

I fully understand this, you do not come in this country w/o the correct paperwork, I dont care how long it takes. This is a open and shut issue for me and also a very big national security risk. When are people going to wake up, this is not us vs the people of Mexico, this is us vs people breaking U.S. laws, this is us trying to protect ourselves from the possability of terrorist coming across the border, this is us keeping people be it Mexicans or any other people from any other country from milking our system, putting Americans out of jobs, making us pick up the tab on their ER visits, making us pick up the tab for them driving and wrecking with no insurence(yes it drives our rates up). I for the life of me do not understand how anyone has any right to say anything about this. They can tap our damn phone lines but we are not allowed to lock our borders down??????? What kinda crap is that?

I think the people who are against anybody getting deported for not being a legal resident or having the correct passport, paperwork to be here need to stand back and look at the big picture.
Ok, come on. The border from Canada is just as vonerable. You want to put a wall up there to? It is just not fiscally possible to completely protect all our borders.

And Marty, I don't care how tough you think you are. If you were faced with making the same choices about your life as some Mexicans are, you'd run across that border too.
Old 04-30-2006, 11:41 AM
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It has nothing to do with being tough, it is the law. If a Canadian gets caught here with no visa, no passport, and no work permit they get sent back to Canada. That is not so much a problem like you say as the Canadian government takes care of their people and is stable enough that in no way shape form or fashion would it ever take a kick back to let another nation mount a offensive from their country against us. How can you justify this is what I am asking. I feel bad for people that have to go through a rough life true but for the love of god when did this country become the goddamn safe haven, when did it become the responsability of us the tax payers to have to foot the bill for people living here for free but yet making money off us.

How many homeless people do you go out and pick up to let stay in your home, eat your food, drive up your bills, for nothing????????? None....I did not think so.

People like yourself are making this into something that it is not about. It has nothing to do with shutting these people out of this country. It has everything to do with making them go through the correct way to become a member of the population here. People in every country in the world have to go through this to come here so why not them? Nobody is better than anyone so why treat anyone different or make it easier for one group over another?

And back to the toughness thing. As far as providing for myself and the people around me that I need to I am about as tough as you will find. I am 24 years old, own my own house, own 2 cars, and still have the means to go out and have fun with what I have left over. I did not graduate from high school as I could not. Not because I was to lazy to go but because I had to work. My father had 2 strokes and 3 heart attacks when I was 16. W/O his income me and my 2 sisters would have lived in the street. His income was gone, no support from our government was given to us even though he had devoted 25 years of his life to the Armed Forces. Me being 16 I could not make alot of money so from the time I was 16 to the time I was 20 I worked 2 full time jobs at all times. Yes 16 hours a day. You know what I got out of it? A 1984 cadillac and a roof over my and my family's heads. Would I change it if I could go back......NO. That is life, you either do for yourself or you dont simple as that.

People in this country struggle to, how about we fix what is wrong here first. How about we make sure the homeless here have jobs and a roof over their head, how about we fix the med. system for the people that have every right to be here first, how about we take care of us for a little while. We have a armed forces that is so spread thin that active duty members are gone for years at a time only to come home for maybe 6 months then be pushed back into a feild to be shot at by terrorist and have rocks thrown at em by kids. This country is quickly loosing it's grip on things in it's own country.

Wait bet you did not know that on the southern Mexican border people get jailed in sub-par conditions for years for simply jumping their border. But it is not right that we just send people back to where they are supposed to be? That to me is one of the biggest double standards I have ever seen, ever. The U.S.'s main problem is it has spent way to much time putting out the goody goody we will help you even at our cost image. We are now getting to a point that we cant do that anymore. We do the same thing with the people of Cuba. Put them under arrest and ship them back. Nobody bitching about that huh?
Old 04-30-2006, 11:45 AM
akskimaster's Avatar
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

They're allowed to charge what people will pay.
No...they charge what they KNOW ppl HAVE TO pay.
Old 04-30-2006, 01:37 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

Alright, after just logging in and trying to read what everybody read and probably still behind the conversation... I, too have to put my two cents worth...
About Bush... No matter what I might say or others is going to change peoples' minds. All I can say is no matter what you may hear from the media or from political figures, you have to do the research. I'm not talking just hitting the web. There's so much garbage out there that you have to consider several sources. Don't just try to find information to support your hypothesis, keep an honest open mind no matter what. You'll find out from all three major parties that there's some truth and a LOT of B.S. Some of the individuals I've read on this thread just might be as closed minded as they claim Bush. Just because doesn't waver on his decisions doesn't necessarily mean he's closed minded or stupid. Analagy: Your 12 year old wants to be home without a babysitter after school until you get home from work. I bet you listen to the reasons why(prove independence, responsiblility, able to react in emergencies) and then make a decision. You say no. Your kid hates your guts. He thinks you're a dictator. He thinks after this one decision of yours that doesn't go your way snowballs into everything you do now is wrong. Little does your kid may know that you've weighed the options and came to a careful conclusion that there are other variables that outweigh your kids wants. He doesn't see it now, in the future he will respect your decision because you didn't do the "no,no,no,no,yes" routine.
I know it's a little winded, but that's the best example on what I think.
Old 04-30-2006, 08:38 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices


It has nothing to do with being tough, it is the law. If a Canadian gets caught here with no visa, no passport, and no work permit they get sent back to Canada. That is not so much a problem like you say as the Canadian government takes care of their people and is stable enough that in no way shape form or fashion would it ever take a kick back to let another nation mount a offensive from their country against us. How can you justify this is what I am asking. I feel bad for people that have to go through a rough life true but for the love of god when did this country become the goddamn safe haven, when did it become the responsability of us the tax payers to have to foot the bill for people living here for free but yet making money off us.

How many homeless people do you go out and pick up to let stay in your home, eat your food, drive up your bills, for nothing????????? None....I did not think so.

People like yourself are making this into something that it is not about. It has nothing to do with shutting these people out of this country. It has everything to do with making them go through the correct way to become a member of the population here. People in every country in the world have to go through this to come here so why not them? Nobody is better than anyone so why treat anyone different or make it easier for one group over another?

And back to the toughness thing. As far as providing for myself and the people around me that I need to I am about as tough as you will find. I am 24 years old, own my own house, own 2 cars, and still have the means to go out and have fun with what I have left over. I did not graduate from high school as I could not. Not because I was to lazy to go but because I had to work. My father had 2 strokes and 3 heart attacks when I was 16. W/O his income me and my 2 sisters would have lived in the street. His income was gone, no support from our government was given to us even though he had devoted 25 years of his life to the Armed Forces. Me being 16 I could not make alot of money so from the time I was 16 to the time I was 20 I worked 2 full time jobs at all times. Yes 16 hours a day. You know what I got out of it? A 1984 cadillac and a roof over my and my family's heads. Would I change it if I could go back......NO. That is life, you either do for yourself or you dont simple as that.

People in this country struggle to, how about we fix what is wrong here first. How about we make sure the homeless here have jobs and a roof over their head, how about we fix the med. system for the people that have every right to be here first, how about we take care of us for a little while. We have a armed forces that is so spread thin that active duty members are gone for years at a time only to come home for maybe 6 months then be pushed back into a feild to be shot at by terrorist and have rocks thrown at em by kids. This country is quickly loosing it's grip on things in it's own country.

Wait bet you did not know that on the southern Mexican border people get jailed in sub-par conditions for years for simply jumping their border. But it is not right that we just send people back to where they are supposed to be? That to me is one of the biggest double standards I have ever seen, ever. The U.S.'s main problem is it has spent way to much time putting out the goody goody we will help you even at our cost image. We are now getting to a point that we cant do that anymore. We do the same thing with the people of Cuba. Put them under arrest and ship them back. Nobody bitching about that huh?
There are plenty of US citizens that leech off the governmental tit too, and not all of them pay taxes either, or work. And there are plenty of immigrants that would pay taxes had they had citizenship.

However, I will agree with you that our government is way too accommodating to immigrants (and lazy good for nothing citizens too). I know illegal immigrants that pull checks from our government each month, just because they applied for them. That is wrong. All government programs should require proof of citizenship, as well as all public education.
Old 04-30-2006, 09:02 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

Also, I can't believe our government provided nothing for your father. Vets of that stature should always be taken care of. That's just shameful.

And way to take care of your family Marty. Admirable to say the least.
Old 04-30-2006, 09:10 PM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

Bush cut Vets benefits after the Iraq war started. That prolly doesn't apply to Marty's situation, but that should tell you a little something about how we treat our vets. I find that absolutly disgraceful, and nobody in my family is in the military.
Old 05-01-2006, 01:46 AM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

ORIGINAL: AgentofDarkness

Bush cut Vets benefits after the Iraq war started. That prolly doesn't apply to Marty's situation, but that should tell you a little something about how we treat our vets. I find that absolutly disgraceful, and nobody in my family is in the military.
It's funny how I'm a vet rated at 30% disabled and in the Air Guard now and how all my medical bills have been payed. Also interesting how my veteran cousin who just had nearly $300,000 dollars worth of hospital work done last year managed to have almost all of it paid for by the V.A. Yes Bush cut some funding to the VA, be we are still being well take care of. I served on Active Duty from 1999 till 2005---guess who got the military decent raises every year---Bush. Guess who had to do that to make up for Clinton's cuts to the military and below inflation raises when he was in office---Bush. The military is now dealing with problems from half-*** equipment that is old and needs replacement due to Clinton's dumbass. Bush has at least approved for us what he could. Vets are doing quite well under the Bush Administration. You have been nothing but a Bush basher on this thread. I don't like the guy either, but we could be a lot worse off----Dave
Old 05-01-2006, 02:09 AM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices

I am not a Bush hater nor am I a Bush supporter as I think they all suck *** really but the reason Bush takes such good care of the military is because he uses them so much. Lets see Afganastan, Iraq, Iran is going to end up another war, and I would not be a bit shocked if when in office Bush tries to attack N. Korea. 4 major conflicts in the matter of 8 years? Can we say one track mind? Oil man in office and gas prices go up? What a shock. But in the end I agree Bush really cant do anything to stop gas prices from going up but I bet it is not hurting his feelings any.

I will honestly like to see someone else in office though, not so much because the wars and gas prices but the constant tax breaks for rich people, hardly any economical developement, and rising un-employment rates combines with the prices of everything going up at such an alarming rate and min wages not being updated to cope with it.
Old 05-01-2006, 11:15 AM
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Default RE: Finally, people are going after Bush to do something about gas prices


I am not a Bush hater nor am I a Bush supporter as I think they all suck *** really but the reason Bush takes such good care of the military is because he uses them so much. Lets see Afganastan, Iraq, Iran is going to end up another war, and I would not be a bit shocked if when in office Bush tries to attack N. Korea. 4 major conflicts in the matter of 8 years? Can we say one track mind? Oil man in office and gas prices go up? What a shock. But in the end I agree Bush really cant do anything to stop gas prices from going up but I bet it is not hurting his feelings any.

I will honestly like to see someone else in office though, not so much because the wars and gas prices but the constant tax breaks for rich people, hardly any economical developement, and rising un-employment rates combines with the prices of everything going up at such an alarming rate and min wages not being updated to cope with it.
HUH---I would be willing to be $100 we will not be attacking any of those countries listed unless they strike first or unless NATO or the security council agree to it. Bush has already backed off of Iran once. Hardly any economic development? My god its all over the television and paper how our economy is doing so well. The stock market is over 11,000 pts, and I have seen my investments make some money the last 2 years. Unemployment is also very low. So we have high gas prices--besides that our economy is doing quite well---Dave

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