Doggie died... =-(
Doggie died... =-(
my doggie died today, he seemed like he got better he started drinking but not eating, then today all the sudden i had to rip him out of the cage cause he would not get up or walk or anything so i carryed him outside and put him in the sunshine like he allways like it. But then he died 1-2 hrs later. ima miss him =-( his name was Lucky he was 10 he loved to put his head out the window on the freeway, i can recall the one time he put his head out the window on the freeway when i was doing 105mph, lol i think he had air permently lodged in his brain from that ut he kept his head out still.
i did that was the problem the vet said he had kidney failure and that he had little chance to make it if he was not hospitalized but i cant afford $500.00 a night in the vets office so, they gave him a vitamin shot and some other stuff pills. and i took him home. Then i went to costco and got one of the chickens they freashly make there and i cut it up for him and made him chicken and rice with the chicken broth in it and it pealed no attention but before he died when he was in the cage in the house there was throw up of rise and chicken so i think he tried to eat something before he died