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Common Human Issues

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Old 01-06-2008, 10:12 AM
Fiirkan's Avatar
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Default RE: Common Human Issues

ORIGINAL: importcivicus


I most definitely have a motivation problem, procrastination is like masturbation... when it comes down to it, you're just ****ing yourself... I'm constantly saying "i need to do_____" but then i don't, like last summer i said "i need to get in shape" did i? hell no.

And Koshak, i picked up some melatonin today, i read the bottle an what it described for what it helps is exactly what i have, i can sleep, but getting to sleep is my problem, the other day it took me three hours to fall asleep. it drives me nuts when that happens
Wow I know I cant really sleep either takes me forever unless im drinking of course then im out for the night. But it takes me a while to fall asleep to.
There are nights where i'm fine, and i fall asleep in like 20 minutes, then there are nights where it will take me three or more hours to fall asleep. But then there are also times where i go to bed and fall asleep fine but wake up like 15-20 times throughout the night. it's a real pain in the *** i can tell you that
Old 01-06-2008, 11:43 AM
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I've never been diagnosed, but I'd bet money that I have at least mild ADHD... I'm pretty sure my dog has a longer attention span than me lol

possibly mild OCD (I freak out when someone loads the dishwasher and just throws the silverware into the holder thing... I always have them in alphabetical order lol), maybe slight depression, anxiety attacks, etc.

That's how I roll
Old 01-06-2008, 12:51 PM
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The only one i want to fix (right now) is my social anxiety disorder, it drives me mental. I can't stand being around groups of people, even if they are all my good friends, i get nervous and can't get comfortable. i usually end up going home and doing nothing. i think thats why i usually only have one real good friend at a time or i usually only hang with one to three people at a time. i feel comfortable at that limit. but i would like to work on it cuz it prevents me and my girlfriend from meeting new people. i hold her back all the time cuz i would rather stay home than go around groups of people. but i'm getting better at it everyday, so i hope i can overcome it. just as i wish everyone here can too.
Im this way to. Back in the day when you are just meeting a girl and you go to the movies or whatever, they usually bring a friend. And I hate it because people are so two faced, they act so differently when they are with other people than just with you and her. You cant get to know someone with her fruitcake friend right there, all they do is talk to eachother anyway. I used to hate meeting a girl and going out somewhere and getting to know them, because its so quiet and you never know wtf is going on and you hesitate so much. Could be a social disorder I know I have. Ive been homeschooled since 4th grade, and my best friend from Kindergarden has friends hes with all the time and sometimes I go out with them, and I dont really know them so im pretty quiet, no matter who its with, 3+ people, im a rock. I dont say anything I just sit back. They always said the Mutes are the ones that go crazy...[:'(]. Fiirky, you should try the Melatonin one time if you did pick it up, you can get it at GNC or something, just start out with the 1 MG not the 3 and see how it helps. I used to take 3 at a time and then I ODed on it one time and it made me really sick I was in the bed the rest of the day so I dont recommend taking more than one at first. Just be careful with that stuff. Yesturday I had a really hard time going to sleep...and part of my anger management could be from the music I listen to, but who knows. I cannot live without my music, I start freaking out if I dont have music for like an hour. I have so many freaking cds. If I have a burnt copy of a cd...I cant have it, ill go out and get the real copy. I just cant have burnt copies of cds it drives me crazy, I need the actual cd. Man I am a mess haha. Finnish depression heritage ftl
Old 01-06-2008, 12:59 PM
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Koshak, i did pick up some melatonin, i will try it tonight and see how i do with sleep, hopefully it wont give me nightmares like you got, if it does, depending on the severity of them i may just say f it. and stick with the Valerian root that i've been using off and on for a while.

The funny thing, is that people i work with misunderstand me, the say i'm cranky and bitter. which in a way i am.. but there is just so much more to me then that. and people just don't see it, cause doing tech support it's a pretty high stress job
Old 01-06-2008, 01:24 PM
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Default RE: Common Human Issues

Oh...where to start. I am 64 years-old and the legal guardian of my 90 year-old mother. She has OCD and mild depression andfought like h*** for everyone to just leave her alone and let her die for many years. She was always angry with everyone and never happy. When she finally passed out on the driveway with malnutrition and ended up in the hospital,I was appointed her advocate and was eventually awarded guardianship by the court. When I got mom into a nursing home to recuperate before returning her home, I talked the Doc into giving her Zoloft. Mom is now happier than at any time in the last 30 years! What a change, and what a waste of 30 years of her life. The last two years are the happiest years I have ever spent with my mother. I wish my dad was still around to see the change in her.

Several of you say you feel fine and don't want to be on any meds or get help. My mom also thought she was fine and did not need help. If you cannot function normally in society without being depressed, kicking your car(or girlfriend) or being angry all the time, you need to get some help. Most hospitals can recommend an Anger Management class or point you to a mental health clinic if you cannot afford it on your own.

My significant other is on Zoloft and is taking meds for mild bi-polar disorder. She attended anger management classes also, and feels that it helped her deal with anger towards her father that has affected her relations with men her whole adult life.

Another female friend has severe bi-polar symptoms. She refuses meds because she says she feels better without them. Maybe, but no one else can stand her. Take your meds, as prescribed and see if your quality of life improves. If not, find another therapist and follow their recommendations.

Personally, I suffer from migraine headaches that seem to be stress related. I am workingon relieving stress. I take pepperment gels and Pepcid AC to keep my stomach on an even keel. None of us are immune.

Thanks for listening.
Old 01-06-2008, 01:58 PM
mill$civic's Avatar
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I feel like I got so much in common with your guys lol.
I to have a motivation problem, not all the time, its just stuff that I know I have to do, and its important, that's when I start to get lazy, but if its something I want to do and I like doing it, Ill do it right away. I also always check for trans fats, calories, fats before I eat most things and drink stuff, people know me for this, even though I am way underweight for my age, andI have a really fast metabolism. People always say I look at that stuff way more then I should, but I know whats bad for you..Also I don't like big groups of people ether, I like hanging out with my 3 close buddies, I don't mind other people/friends, but then I start to feel uncomfortable. Also I'm with you guys about talking to a girl, they are soo 2 faced, I have real good conversations with girls, but when other people are around, they change, I like the one on one with a girl. I also have trouble falling asleep, I hate it, I never have good night sleeps, every small noise wakes me up and I'm always thinking!, I want to get sleeping pills, but I wont, If my body is tired, I guess ill fall asleep.
Good talking to you guys!
Old 01-06-2008, 03:21 PM
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There are nights where i'm fine, and i fall asleep in like 20 minutes, then there are nights where it will take me three or more hours to fall asleep. But then there are also times where i go to bed and fall asleep fine but wake up like 15-20 times throughout the night. it's a real pain in the *** i can tell you that
I've got a double whammy of insomnia (doctor diagnosed) i've always been that way since i was born and i have sleep apnea that cannot be operated on. So i have trouble getting to sleep and than i wake up every so often throughout the night due to my breathing passages closing off, that i never hit REM sleep which is when the body is the most relaxed. so it doesn't matter if i get 8 or 2 hours of sleep it all feels the same. I'm glad i'm not the only one who feels like hell all the time LOL
Old 01-06-2008, 03:55 PM
Peg_Leg's Avatar
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i'm like that too in 2001 my mother passed away and i went off the deep end major depression and post tramatic stress syndrome, back then i was on celexa, depacote and seroquel they made me like a zombie. so after a while i got off them and now i try and deal with the depression with good and bad results but as of now i don't want to take meds for it. the bad thing about these meds are they raise your serotonin levels that causes a unstable effect and you can't sleep. i was taking the seroquel to sleep and always felt bad tim you could try melatonin but like Koshak said it might give you nightmares it did me and it makes you feel groggy the next day. its good to know i'm not alone
Old 01-06-2008, 04:06 PM
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i'm like that too in 2001 my mother passed away and i went off the deep end major depression and post tramatic stress syndrome, back then i was on celexa, depacote and seroquel they made me like a zombie. so after a while i got off them and now i try and deal with the depression with good and bad results but as of now i don't want to take meds for it. the bad thing about these meds are they raise your serotonin levels that causes a unstable effect and you can't sleep. i was taking the seroquel to sleep and always felt bad tim you could try melatonin but like Koshak said it might give you nightmares it did me and it makes you feel groggy the next day. its good to know i'm not alone

if the melatonin makes me grogy and gives me nightmares i'm gonna say f'it and then just deal with the trouble getting to sleep
Old 01-06-2008, 04:09 PM
Mr Mobsta Man's Avatar
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I don't really have a problem getting to sleep most of the time but if something is bothering me like with school/work/ or a girlfriend then I cannont sleep for hours. I had to stay up until 4am before I went to bed because I knew if I just laid down I wouldn't be able to fall asleep and I would just lay there forever. I think my problem is that I care too much about things and I just can't let my problems go when I need to.

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