cnbc says gas to hit 4 bucks
RE: cnbc says gas to hit 4 bucks
ORIGINAL: 94civicus
How much lobbying have you seen? how muh protesting have you seen? how much have you seen work? there have been millions. and then they tell them that they are going to consider it and look at it. and everyone goes home. happy but nothing happens
How much lobbying have you seen? how muh protesting have you seen? how much have you seen work? there have been millions. and then they tell them that they are going to consider it and look at it. and everyone goes home. happy but nothing happens
RE: cnbc says gas to hit 4 bucks
because i dont want to hear liberals and democrats make fools of themselfs.
because i dont want to hear liberals and democrats make fools of themselfs.
OH ****!!1
a political thread! About damm time!!1
bush and his lackeys are nuthin' but corporate *****-mongers, oil companies included.
you don't go to war to steal oil. you go to war to spike it.
just ask president bush senior...
Oh BTW, ask me how much lobbying i've seen done in person... both at the local, state and national levels.
RE: cnbc says gas to hit 4 bucks
i got 92 for $2.89 yesterday and i belive its in the 2.90s range today. major drag. no more driving around doing nothing for hours when im bored. looks like im gonna save up and buy a 21 speed bike.
RE: cnbc says gas to hit 4 bucks
RE: cnbc says gas to hit 4 bucks
Well, there are a lot of factors that contribute to the fuel price increase. Two of these are - the upcomming hurricane season and the growing conflict with Iran.
PS, when it does hit $4, I'm buying an old diesel MB or VW and converting it to veggie oil. Free fuel FTW!
PS, when it does hit $4, I'm buying an old diesel MB or VW and converting it to veggie oil. Free fuel FTW!