cnbc says gas to hit 4 bucks
cnbc says gas to hit 4 bucks
watching cnbc market news today,report on oil price increase,moved up nearly two bucks a barrel today. Now they saying never mind three bucks agallon,it's going straight to 4.00 a gallon.
hang on to your civics boys and girls, 40 mpg is looking mighty good these days!
hang on to your civics boys and girls, 40 mpg is looking mighty good these days!
RE: cnbc says gas to hit 4 bucks
The government should step in and stop this but most of them have a big hand in the oil industry. If the companies would stop shutting down their wells to reduce suppy and increase demand it wouldn't be like that. They know that we will get regardless so they are just getting richer and everone else is hurting. A big game they are playing and nothing anyone can do to stop them.
RE: cnbc says gas to hit 4 bucks
Everytime gas goes up 1c, the oil industry makes 3 billion dollars. Those bastards are getting rich while we are stuck trying to budget in gas. The government should step in, but the government won't step in. There are way too many lobbyists paying congressman across the board for the congressman to do anything about it.