Chupacabra found in Texas?
Chupacabra found in Texas?
Anyone think that is what they actually found? or do you think that it is something else, some new species?
Anyone think that is what they actually found? or do you think that it is something else, some new species?
RE: Chupacabra found in Texas?
RE: Chupacabra found in Texas?
are Cupacabra's rare or something? lol sorry, just never heard of them before. Nice find though Tim, i'll have something to write about in my English class today!
are Cupacabra's rare or something? lol sorry, just never heard of them before. Nice find though Tim, i'll have something to write about in my English class today!
RE: Chupacabra found in Texas?
Basically it was supposed to be a legendairy animal in south and central america that would suck the blood out of other animals.. the name translates to "Goat sucker", they were never know if they actualy exsist, they are one of those animals like Big Foot, and the Lock Ness Monster, people claim to have seen them but have no viable proof that they exist.
are Cupacabra's rare or something? lol sorry, just never heard of them before. Nice find though Tim, i'll have something to write about in my English class today!
are Cupacabra's rare or something? lol sorry, just never heard of them before. Nice find though Tim, i'll have something to write about in my English class today!
Basically it was supposed to be a legendairy animal in south and central america that would suck the blood out of other animals.. the name translates to "Goat sucker", they were never know if they actualy exsist, they are one of those animals like Big Foot, and the Lock Ness Monster, people claim to have seen them but have no viable proof that they exist.